January 3, 2024 Minutes
Attending: Mike, Glenn, Kathy, John, Nicole, Tom, Nick, Ed, Judy, Paul
Induction: John Miller, representing Foodlink – Mt. Read Blvd. John primarily focuses on the Lexington Urban Farm. He grew up on a dairy farm, has a PHD, is active in his church, and so much more!
Baseball: The draft is Jan. 11, so members were asked about their preferences for days of the week and times. Saturdays and some evenings were mentioned, and questions about when we earned the most. Ed will help Paul with this.
NW Health Project Update: School 54 (formerly 30) on Otis Street responded to our inquiry and might be a focus for food, nutrition, and education projects. More details are coming on Safety / police and housing. Glenn is coordinating the process and priorities and will send out information to the club, with models using the matrix.
Paul is researching buildings and houses around Cameron Street.
Nick commented on the lack of capacity to address all the issues, including housing and services, as well as the perspective of the police on collaboration and communication. He also suggested a new category – Increase Income through the raise of minimum wage and UBI (universal basic income).
Rotary: Our role can best be described as Facilitator.
Next Meeting: Wednesday, January 17 at 75 Stutson.
Social: January 31 Place TBD