Minutes July 26, 2023
Attending: Mike, Glenn, Paul, Bobbie, Tom, Ed, Judy and Ahmad Ibrahimi (RRRS)
Club Goals: Because of the upcoming visit by District Governor, Julie Carney, the primary topic was the establishment of the club’s plans for this year. Discussions included to what extent we would follow the goal of the RI President – mental health - and combine this with the symptoms of gun violence and homelessness in Northwest Rochester. It was agreed that collaboration with other organizations and participation in existing efforts was critical. The District intends to establish a committee to focus on mental health issues.
2023-2024 Plan: We discussed replicating the structure used several years ago – each member is responsible for one month’s service project and possibly a speaker on a similar topic. Suggestions included Charlotte Community Association (CCA), Cameron Community, the Afghan community.
Membership: “Community Member” was clarified as “one individual to be recognized by Rotary International…..and pay the Annual Membership Dues stated above for a single membership.” This amounts to $195 per year, though an organization can choose to pay more. Up to 3 additional people in an organization can attend meetings, volunteer, etc. New organizations proposed include Cameron Community and Keeping Our Promise; Scott Benjamin’s membership will change to a Community Membership which will include Charles Settlement House and Community Place. We need to clarify who will be the RI recognized individual for each organization.
Treasurer’s Report: We have approximately $3800 in the account at Genesee Co-op Federal Credit Union.
Upcoming events: Public Safety Presentation for the Afghan Community on September 16 from 10 – 1 at Ascension Church on Lake Avenue.